Are We Faithful Stewards?

How many times will you pinky-promise with your little one throughout the years? A child’s desire to pinky-promise links them to their parents, both in fun and games, but additionally in their effort to gain confidence in the fact that you are one they can truly trust. It’s a basic need of every child to be able to grow in trust in the ones they love most. Yet too often, as we all know, disappointment can be lurking right behind the pinky promise. Perhaps outside of the parent’s control, but far too often due to our lack of understanding of just how vitally important being faithful to our word and through our actions is to our children.
Within Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, we find this comment:
This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.
Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful. 1 Co 4:2.
Of course, we must consider this verse in context, which makes clear to us that Paul is speaking of the mysteries of the Savior who was to come, but now has been revealed to believers through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. Paul’s statement declares that these mysteries entrusted to us, are to be managed well… faithfully… in a manner that is true to the source. Herein lies our great calling as stewards to our little disciples; the ones God has planted in our homes. Is this so significant that it becomes daunting? We are called to live out the Gospel with our children every day. But what does this really mean? The Gospel life is an expression of every faithful, sacrificial act that Christ performed throughout His life and ministry, for every reason he performed them, which was only to display the glory of God.
To “be found faithful” is a ridiculously high calling! How will we ever pinky swear in good conscience again? Can any of us attain to the image of Christ? Can any of us properly reflect the truth of the Gospel? Well… absolutely not perfectly! But we are to aim for it, with the knowledge that our imperfection will never cause God to remove himself or his love from us! In fact, in God’s faithfulness, he loves us despite our imperfections, and is honored by our mere effort! So the question is, how do we grow to be more faithful in our stewardship of our children? Connect with your spouse and together take this quick evaluation of how you're doing in your efforts. Then commit to honor God by making a stronger effort than ever before.
- Is there a daily time for prayer and the Word? We, parents, are only as good as our quiet time with the Lord.
- Do you attend a solid Bible teaching church, where the Word is being exposited verse by verse? A good understanding of God’s Word is our motivation for living the Word.
- Are you humbly practicing confession and repentance daily? Only by acknowledging our sins, can we compassionately train our children.
- Are you strengthening your marriage through daily, purposeful time together, without interference, to pray together and communicate about your day with one another? Only as we are united are we the image of God (Gen.1:26)
- Are you practicing or seeking biblical instruction on how to live out the Gospel in your home and in your world? It is vital to continue to be learners if we want to grow in our parenting role. You can grow in all aspects of Gospel-driven parenting by joining us in a Training Hearts for Jesus biblical parenting class.
When you strive to bring glory to God in your lives, you become more and more faithful in your role as parents. When you become faithful in your role as parents, your children grow in their trust in you. As your children grow in trust in you, relationships are strengthened, not just for today, but for all your tomorrows. So, Dad and Mom, on that biblical track, you can go ahead and pinky promise all you want with the confidence you gain in Christ!
by Sharon Cannavo