The Lord Will Fight for You

by sharon cannavo encouragement for mom

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14

     If we can truly teach our children the core truth of this verse, we will have given them a vessel that is worthy of all their travels through life, to support them through every challenge and difficulty.  2004 began a season in my life that tried me and changed me.  The school we had founded was under attack. God allowed… Satan produced… and parents were willing participants. Such is the way it goes for us sinful beings.  Division and deception spread through our school like a tsunami.  My office became the daily dumping ground for angry, disheartened, and deceived parents. And no matter how hard I tried, I could not stop the impact. I was on my face in a way that I had never been before. I loved the intent and purpose of that school to aim to train the hearts and minds of these precious children. Our classrooms were highly successful!  But with each push of anger and complaints that rolled in like waves… families rolled out.  I was devastated, discouraged, and clinging to what someone called a sinking ship.  In deep grief I asked the Lord, “Am I clinging to something you are closing. If I am, if this is an idol, please Lord, close the doors of this school. But if not, in your faithfulness give me what I need to hold on tight and ride this out.”  The Lord did give me what I needed in the pages of Scripture, through Exodus 14:14.  The Lord will fight for you; You need only to be still.  Being still wasn’t a part of my DNA!  But if God said it, I was bound and determined to do it.  This is where we either trust God, who is the Author and Sovereign over every detail of our lives, or we trust in ourselves.  Knowing my own sinful heart and frailty, I knew the only one I could trust in was God.  After two years of being buffeted, but “still” as the verse commanded, through cruel lies and accusations, our school was reduced in size by 50%.  How do you pay teachers when half the classrooms are empty?  Again… God’s Word… “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” continued to be my orders, and God began to show himself in remarkable ways. Do you know, finances are not a problem for God?!  Do you know God can produce children in classrooms if that’s where he wants them?  Our school recovered and continued on for another decade after this, and I functioned in a new awareness that it was truly truly not me running this school, but God. I could rest. I could trust. And I could take joy in all that God accomplished, because God was always at the helm of that “sinking ship.” In fact, it was never sinking, but was perfectly sea worthy until His voyage with that ship was done.  Help your kids to learn that rough waters have no power over a God that fights for us.  Disruptive waves can’t toss the assuredness and peace of God. We can be immovable and confident in our circumstances which push us across the deepest of seas, because of a God who will fight for us.  

Help your children memorize with you…

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14